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Anti-Allergy, Infection, Inflammation | Calorie Myth

Writer's picture:

From eNewsletter 6/28/2021

DID YOU KNOW it's rare when we cannot optimally replace a supplement that has been discontinued? Twinlab Allergy Fighters, discontinued over 10 years ago, fell into the irreplaceable category. Not only was it effective for reducing daily allergy symptoms, but combined several supplements into one.

We're pleased to say we've found an admirable replacement. Pure Encapsulations Hist Reset addresses the following:

  • Allergic symptoms

  • Excess histamine production

  • Overzealous mast cell production

  • Bacterial/viral prevention through immune system modulation

  • Nasal and respiratory health

  • Overall antioxidant support

Hist Reset doesn't block histamine like prescription and over-the-counter antihistamines. Hist Reset balances histamine by: 1) Supports enzymatic histamine breakdown in those who are genetically deficient. 2) Mitigates excess production due to constant assaults from food and environmental allergens. If you take any of the following, you may be able to lower your dosage or eliminate:

  • Reduced Glutathione and/or N-acetyl-cysteine

  • Quercetin

  • Bromelain

  • Essential C & Flavonoids (vitamin C with rutin and luteolin)

  • Buffered Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C)

If you are considering switching to Hist Reset, email or text Steve and he will check to see if it suits your individual needs. *If you have pineapple sensitivity, you should avoid taking this supplement.


Summer Sale! Starting today through Wednesday June 30th, get 20% off June and July sale items.

Holiday Office Hours Saturday, July 3rd - Open Monday, July 5th - Closed

Our COVID-19 Vaccine Opinion The document at this link was updated June 28th.

Virus Prevention And Treatment Vaccines will minimize COVID-19 related mortality and hospitalizations, but SARS-CoV-2 is not going away. Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 is not the only virus we fight. There are influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. We highly recommend continuing your immune support. See our Prevent and Fight Viruses 2.0 Protocol.

COVID-19 Condition Monograph For those interested in conventional and integrative treatments for COVID-19 with over 250 references, this is our COVID-19 Condition Monograph.

Post-COVID Syndrome (PCS) If you, or someone you know, has PCS, we provide individualized consultation or our Post-COVID Syndrome Action Plan. Paid yearly NCI Well Connect members can access it for free here (enter the password: archives 2018).

In Today's Issue

  • Paid Member Content

  • Well Connect Feature: Yerba Mate Deep Dive

  • Menu Savvy: "Healthy" Unprocessed Foods

  • Mythbuster: Effective Hiccup Remedy?

  • Brand Buzz: Crounons | Fruit+ Veggie Applesauce

  • Aesthetically Speaking: Chemicals in Cosmetics

  • Your Healthy Kitchen: Get Rid of Fruit Flies

  • Wild Card: Upping Testosterone in Prepubescent Boys

  • eInspire: From Margaret Mead

  • Free Member Content

  • Did You Know?

  • Calorie In Calorie Out Myth

  • July & June 20% OFF Sale Items

  • Pure Genomics 2.0

  • Watch - Making a Big Mac...Yuck

  • Loyalty Program

  • Well Connect Member Benefits

Buy One Year Paid Membership for $79.99* *To get past the Guest Area paywall use password: discount2018


Steve and Bonnie: We've always recommended against counting calories because it is rarely an apples to apples comparison. For example, the body utilizes calories from sugary snacks in a much different and detrimental way than fruit and vegetables do.

Researchers in a new study from Mayo Clinic Proceedings have found even more evidence against the credo "one calorie in one calorie out." The researchers say calories listed don’t always equate to the amount we digest and absorb.

The team says their work should help ease the minds of many who are hesitant to include a superfood such as almonds in their diet over fat-related worries. A single ounce of almonds contains about 14 grams of fat (much of it healthy fat). The messaging around nuts has often come with a disclaimer that they are high in fat and energy. In the case of almonds, some of the extra fat calories leave the body the "easy way."

The body does not absorb roughly 20 percent of the calories coming from almond fat after digestion. Ultimately, these excess calories leave the body via stool.

More evidence from an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study purports that a diet with a higher proportion of protein leads to an increase in energy expenditure and fat oxidation compared to a diet consisting of the same number of calories, but with a lower proportion of protein and higher carbohydrate.


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