From eNewsletter 2/18/2019

DID YOU KNOW that a study from this month's Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that the combined supplementation of whey protein, vitamin D and E can significantly improve muscle mass and muscle strength in older adults?
In another study from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, whey protein was the most effective for seniors struggling to rebuild muscle lost from inactivity associated with illness or long hospital stays.
Have Triglycerides Upstaged LDL?
Steve and Bonnie: A JAMA study that flew under the radar last month, but was very significant, explored the clinical benefit of lowering high triglycerides compared with high LDL cholesterol.
Researchers discovered that lowering triglycerides reduced risk coronary heart disease as much as lowering LDL cholesterol.
We have shouted from the rooftops that clinicians need to focus on triglycerides as much as cholesterol, but until recently, it has fallen on deaf ears.
What's wonderful is that dramatically lowering triglycerides can be achieved just from diet and lifestyle change. LDL cholesterol is tougher to reduce without medication assistance. Moreover, lowering triglycerides helps to bring down LDL, while bringing down LDL does not always lower triglycerides.
Why are lowering triglycerides so easy? More often than not, high triglycerides coincide with excess carbohydrate consumption (mostly grains and refined carbs). Managing carbohydrate consumption can produce dramatic reductions. If needed, fish oil is an amazing supplement to help bring down triglycerides.
Let's break down emphasis when assessing cardiac risk screening markers in percentage of importance:
C-reactive protein (CRP) - 50%
Triglycerides - 20%
LDL and HDL cholesterol - 20%
Other - 10%
"Other" means tests that delve deeper, such as LDL particle size and Lipoprotein(a), but many doctors usually don't order tests that "look under the hood."
Tips to Protect From Excess EMF Exposure
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