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Study Backs Monolaurin for Infection Prevention | Obsessed With Bulking Up?

From eNewsletter 10/16/2019

DID YOU KNOW that researchers have "identified" a compound in human breast milk that fights infections by harmful bacteria while allowing beneficial bacteria to thrive?

According to the study in Scientific Reports, human breast milk has more than 200 times the amount of glycerol monolaurate (Monolaurin) than is found in cows' milk. The findings demonstrate that high levels of Monolaurin are "unique" to human breast milk and strongly inhibit growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Of course, we know that Monolaurin is not "unique" to breast milk because we "identified" this compound from a coconut ester source and have been recommending it clients for over 20 years!

"While antibiotics can fight bacterial infections, they kill the beneficial bacteria along with the pathogenic ones," said the lead author. The study found that Monolaurin is much more selective, fighting only the pathogenic bacteria while allowing beneficial species to thrive."

Moreover, the researchers also showed that Monolaurin inhibits inflammation in epithelial cells, which line the gut and other mucosal surfaces.

This is so exciting and reaffirming news because Monolaurin has been consistently one of our main stalwarts for infection prevention.


Steve and Bonnie: We receive myriad requests from obsessed teens and parents about bulking up for athletics. Many eschew creatine and steroids, so are constantly looking for alternative methods to add bulk.

As we have said consistently, protein can help you bulk up, but only to a certain degree. Presented in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers found that supplementing with protein while doing resistance training can increase strength by about 9% and add about one pound of muscle. While nothing to sneeze at, supplement companies tout huge benefits, which are unfounded. The effect levels off at a certain point, after which extra protein provides no additional benefit.  In addition, protein supplements were more effective in people who were already lifting weights and less effective in people over age 60. The analysis didn't find any differences between types of protein supplements or a distinction between getting protein from food or from supplements. So for all of those who think branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are better than an extra serving of dietary protein...sorry, there is no difference. Going to the gym is where most of the benefits come from. You need to eat sufficient protein and a little extra when you are exercising and lifting weights. However, your body will bulk up to where it should be naturally.


Steve: This is a continuation of the bulking up theme from the first article in today's issue...This article is reserved for NCI Well Connect Members. You can get this article by signing up here. You can get our free eNewsletter by signing up at the top of our website.


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