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Why You Should Vary Proteins

From eNewsletter 3/28/2022

DID YOU KNOW that research published in Hypertension suggests eating a diet with a greater variety of protein sources may help adults lower their risk of developing high blood pressure? 12,200 participants were scored based on how many protein sources were consumed in eight categories. After an average of six years, more than 35% of the participants developed early-onset hypertension. Those who ate four or more protein sources a week had a 66% lower risk of developing high blood pressure compared to those who had two or fewer protein sources a week. This is one of the many reasons why we tell you to vary your protein sources as much as possible, especially on a daily basis.


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Our COVID-19 Vaccine Opinion The document can be found at this link.

Virus Prevention And Treatment Vaccines minimize COVID-19 related mortality and hospitalizations, but SARS-CoV-2 is here to stay. Moreover, it is not the only virus we fight. There are influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Continue your immune support year-round. For more information, refer to our Prevent and Fight Viruses 2.0 Protocol.

Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 The official diagnosis for post-COVID syndrome (PCS) are symptoms that last for 12 weeks or more. If you, a family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor is suffering from PCS, diligently following our Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 Action Plan for purchase, or free to paid members here (must use the password), can bring measurable improvement.

Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie Minsky

In Today's Issue

  • Paid Member Content

  • Well Connect Feature: Supporting Gut Microbial Resilience

  • Menu Savvy: PMS Cravings

  • Smart Food: This Nut Helps Your LDL

  • Brand Buzz: New Kind of Lettuce | Coffee Chocolate

  • Aesthetically Speaking: New Ingredient for Skin Health

  • Your Healthy Kitchen: Necessary Evil of the Kitchen Sponge

  • Wild Card: Adjunct to Concussion Protocol

  • eInspire: Quentin Regestein

  • Free Member Content

  • Did You Know?

  • Docs Ignore Yeast Issues

  • April, March 20% OFF Sale Items

  • Pure Genomics

  • Watch - Carlson Fish Oils

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Docs Shouldn't Ignore Yeast Issues Any Longer

It would be impossible to count the number of clients who have yeast overgrowth issues and receive no help from their allopathic physicians. The only time the allopathic community acknowledges candida albicans overgrowth is in elderly, critically ill, ICU patients. Could we finally be turning the corner in acknowledging how pervasive this issue is in the human population? Here's a shocking (tongue-in-cheek) conclusion from a new study in Nature: some strains of yeast in the human gut can produce toxins that could contribute to irritable bowel disease. These "high-damaging" Candida albicans yeast strains aren't usually a problem when they are kept in balance, but in the guts of those who eat too much of it and have a proclivity to yeast overgrowth, the fungi appear to proliferate, triggering inflammation. Researchers realized some yeast strains produce a potent toxin called candidalysin, which can damage immune cells, triggering further inflammation. The authors are now working on several follow-up studies to see how toxin-producing yeast inflames the colon and to figure out which patients will respond best to antifungal treatments. We could save the authors a whole bunch of time. We've worked with hundreds of clients over the years with yeast overgrowth or candida. It is the most difficult eating style to adhere to because once yeast takes hold in the gastrointestinal tract, it is very difficult to eradicate. You must be one hundred percent dedicated to the diet with no deviation. For self-help, our Candida Action Plan can give you an idea of what would be in store. Action Plans, which can be found at our website shop, are free to paid newsletter subscribers, and individually priced for free newsletter subscribers. We always recommend working directly with a knowledgable health professional, especially when starting a candida diet, because the side effects from the yeast die-off can be extreme.


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