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Your Genetics & COVID-19 Special Issue

From eNewsletter 7/1/2020

DID YOU KNOW that The CARES Act, signed into law on March 27th, expanded the list of products eligible for reimbursement from health savings accounts (HSA) and medical flexible spending accounts (FSA)? Changes include the addition of over-the-counter drugs and medicines, which previously were only eligible for reimbursement with a prescription. Feminine hygiene products are now eligible.

Dietary supplements are now designated as "potentially eligible," which means they qualify with a Letter of Medical Necessity. This Eligible Expenses page explains the changes in detail, as well as all products that qualify.

These newly approved items are retroactively eligible dating back to January 1, 2020, meaning you can file for reimbursement for these items if you've purchased them since January 1.


Today is the last day to order June sale items. See below for details.


The office will be closed Friday, July 3rd and Saturday, July 4th.

STAYING SAFE DURING RE-OPENING Continue with extra immune support until summer of 2021. We don't know how virulent SARS-CoV-2 will be this summer or if there will be a second COVID wave during fall and winter. Besides, SARS-CoV-2 is not the only virus we fight. There is influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Prevent and Fight Coronavirus 2.0 is our must-read protocol. PURE GENOMICS 2.0 Pure Genomics just launched a dynamic, interactive platform where you can access your genomic report 24-7. See details below. NUTRITIONAL CONCEPTS PHASE 4 PROCEDURE Illinois has moved to Phase 4, so if you are local, please read our re-opening guidelines. BIOTRITION FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST The next blood draw for the Biotrition food intolerance test is Saturday, July 11th 9AM-Noon. Contact us for details.


Steve & Bonnie: There is an inextricable link between how your genes are expressed and your response to COVID-19 infection. 

As we have said from the beginning of the pandemic, how you prepare your body to fight infection is more important than trying to avoid it. Understanding your diet and lifestyle genetic predisposition provides the impetus to make intelligent choices. Over the last few months, there have been numerous studies examining the interaction of specific genes that we test for in our Pure Genomics screening and their effect on wellness. Here are five examples, including those that can have a direct effect on how you respond to COVID-19 infection. ADD and ADHD A new study in Science is the first to purport that rather than improving concentration, methylphenidate and similar stimulants actually work by increasing individuals' motivation to complete difficult tasks by raising dopamine levels. How can we understand who would benefit from stimulants versus those who wouldn't? Assessing the status of your DRD2 (dopamine) pathway, which is included in our Pure Genomics screening. Cardiovascular Disease In a JAMA Network Open study from last month, high homocysteine levels connected to mutations that impact the methylation function of the MTHFR gene was associated with faster cardiovascular disease development in older age. Our Pure Genomics screening has two MTHFR SNPs, including the one from this study. Dietary Oils A study in last month's American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that soybean oil greatly exacerbated inflammation in those with a heterozygous (one mutation) or homozygous (two mutations) FADS gene versus those with no mutation. For those familiar with our Pure Genomics screening, FADS is a pathway that deems how well you turn oils from food into anti-inflammatory omega-3's. Fish oil greatly assists in those with one or both mutations. Inflammation A blood test result we rely on heavily for assessing whole body and cardiac-sensitive inflammation, C-reactive protein (CRP), is also a gene we screen for. A study from this month's Clinical Nutrition found that a Mediterranean diet, especially one rich in fatty fish, was associated with lower serum CRP concentrations in children who have one or more mutations of the CRP gene. Toxic Load According to a new study from Journal of the American College of Nutrition, due to their genomic variants, some individuals are more highly affected by toxicants than others. Toxicant metabolizing and activating variants have been linked with a wide variety of health issues including an increased risk of miscarriages, birth defects, Alzheimer's, benzene toxicity, mercury toxicity and cancer. The authors specify GSTP1, GPX1, and PON1 genes as examples of how an individual's genomic vulnerabilities to toxicants can be addressed by targeted use of foods, supplements and lifestyle changes. We screen for all three of them in our Pure Genomics screening. Convinced that you need to assess your genetic predisposition?


A study in Scientific Reports from last May confirmed that genetically-tailored nutrition advice can be used in clinical practice to motivate greater long-term dietary and lifestyle change and adherence to dietary guidelines. In a first-of-its-kind study from this month's Scientific Reports, by lowering negative expression of genetic mutations early in life, you could live five years longer. The authors state,"it would mean that we could possibly find ways to fix ourselves and live longer and better lives." Not possibly, we've been doing it for almost five years. The goal with Pure Genomics is to help you live longer and better lives. As always, the earlier we can look at your genetics, the better.


Pure Genomics just launched an all new interactive platform where you can access your genomic results 24-7.

**To get a Pure Genomics report and analysis, 23andMe or Ancestry raw genetic data is required. First-Time Pure Genomics Users Reply to with your full name and email address so we can sign you up. You will then get an email from Pure Genomics to create an account and instructions for uploading your raw genetic data. Once you have uploaded your data, we will contact to set up an apt.

Current Pure Genomic Users

Two new SNPs were added for choline and the methylation cycle.

Paid NCI Well Connect Members

Reply to with your full name and email address so we can sign you up. You will then get an email from Pure Genomics to create a password. Once completed, you'll have access to your results.

Non-Paid NCI Well Connect Members

Please contact us first to pay a one-time $25 processing fee.


This article is reserved for NCI Well Connect Members. You can get this article by signing up here. You can get our free eNewsletter by signing up at the top of our website.


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