From eNewsletter 6/26/2023

DID YOU KNOW that a sweeping study from Current Developments in Nutrition purports that supplemental calcium, when taken in the proper dosage and form, and based upon individual needs, does not cause increased cardiac risk?
Several flawed studies over the years have demonized calcium. What these studies did not address, and what we have fervently said for years, was that the extreme dosing and poor forms doctors were recommending caused the adverse issues. Research over time has now confirmed this.
The current study solidifies the notion that the right form of calcium, between 200 and 800 mg., with or without vitamin D, when prescribed based upon individual needs, is safe. We never recommended self supplementing with calcium, or any other supplement for that matter.
Services Update
Double Sale Week!
Starting today and ending Friday June 30th, please take advantage of the 20% OFF items for July and June. See details below.
Frozen Fruit Voluntary Recall From Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and More
If you purchased frozen fruit lots listed at this FDA Recall webpage, please throw them away for potential listeria contamination.
Steve Minsky MS, HWC
As a Health and Wellness Counselor, Steve analyzes and offer solutions to optimize human functioning not only with food, but every aspect of your lifestyle, whether for prevention or healing. More info on Steve's services.
Text Us If Convenient at (847) 497-0902
Text is quickest way to get communicate with us. Type (847) 497-0902. Questions for Bonnie do not apply.
Pet Wellness
Our dietary supplement line for dogs and cats, ThorneVet, has an impeccable reputation among veterinarians. Carolyn Martinelli "Coach Care" can answer your questions about ThorneVet pet supplements at Please leave detailed contact information as well as the name, age, sex, breed, and/or health issue(s) and med(s) of your pet so Carolyn can respond accordingly. To order from our wellness shop, please visit here (for prices, enter the Guest Area password: discount2018).
Online Gift Cards
Giving the gift of wellness has never been easier. Order your gift cards here.
Upcoming Wellness Screenings
Food Intolerance Blood Draw
Options to set up a Biotrition food intolerance test blood draw. By appointment only:
One Saturday per month at Biotrition in Glenview - next date July 15th
Tu, Wed, TH 9AM-3PM at NICL Labs in Northbrook
Text, email, or call us to set up your appointment.
Thermography Screening Friday, July 14th
For those interested in an upper torso or whole body thermography scan, please book your session by emailing: (tell Eniko you would like to schedule your thermography scan at Schuster Chiropractic on Friday, January 20th. She will get back to you with times available, type of scan; openings are limited and first come first serve). To find out more about thermography, please read the following.
Infection Section
Year-round infection is the new normal. We are exposed to many endemic viruses including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), monkeypox, and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Support your immune system with our Free Prevent and Fight Viruses 2.0 Protocol here.
Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie Minsky
In Today's Issue
Paid Member Content
WC Feature: Mental Health Update
Food Focus: Bonnie's Watermelon Recipes
Genetics Update: Mental Disorders
Brand Buzz: Sprouted Nuts
FoodQ: Binge Eating Disorder
Green Lifestyle: Breast Milk and Where You Live
Wild Card: Acne Lesion Therapy
eInspire: Ernest Hemingway
Action Plan of the Month: Blood Sugar Balance
Free Member Content
Did You Know?
5 Ways to Boost Mental Health
July & June 20% OFF Sale Items
Pure Genomics
Watch: Choline Synthesis
Loyalty Program
Well Connect Member Benefits
*To get past the Guest Area paywall use password: discount2018
5 Ways to Boost Mental Health
Steve: Mental health is finally getting the attention it deserves. Here are 5 ways to boost daly mental wellbeing.
Talk to a Friend
Conversing with a friend just once during the day can increase your happiness and lower your stress level by day's end. The Communications Research study found 7 specific types of conversations that had this effect:
Catching up
Meaningful talk
Joking around
Showing care
Valuing others and their opinions
Offering sincere compliments
Address Nutrient Deficiencies
According to a study in Nutrients, deficiencies in nutrients such as protein, B vitamins, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids have a significant impact on the function of the brain and nervous system, which can lead to, or exacerbate, depressive symptoms. With regard to iron, a study from Current Psychiatry suggests always testing ferritin levels (we always do), a wonderful indicator of iron storage and vitamin B12 availability.
At-Home Yoga
A study from Journal of Behavior Medicine found yoga to be helpful for reducing stress and anxiety among working adults. The results of a virtual, eight-week, moderate-intensity program led by researchers confirmed stressed out workers can find relief in the comfort of their own home.
Feel the Love
Those who reported feeling loved, self-confident, happy, and optimistic as teenagers had better heart health when they reached adulthood, according to researchers publishing in Journal of the American Heart Association. Of the 5 mental health assets related to better cardiometabolic health outcomes, feeling loved was found to be the most influential.
The Influence of Art
Similar to how watching calming nature videos on You Tube can calm you, a study in Computers in Human Behaviors found online art viewing is an untapped source of support for wellbeing that can be consumed as bite-sized bits of meaning-making and pleasure. In the study, participants viewed an interactive Monet Water Lily art exhibition from Google Arts and Culture.