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Extend Life Expectancy Wellness Keys

From eNewsletter 6/29/2022

DID YOU KNOW that 7 in 10 doctors prescribe antibiotics for infections that are not bacterial, according to a study from JAMA Network Open? Antibiotics can be effective for bacterial infection, but have no viability for viral of fungal infections. Yet, after decades of public health education, 70% of doctors still have not gotten the memo. Overprescribing is one of the main reasons why pathogens have become resistant to many of our antibiotics. As usual, you must take matters into your own hands. Never take an antibiotic unless you have a confirmed bacterial infection through testing. Do not take antibiotics just on a hunch from your doctor.


We will be closed on Monday, July 4th but you can still place orders on our website, text, email, or phone.

Action Plan Update!

Recent updates to our Action Plan Library Titles.

  • Blood Sugar Balance

  • Fast Mimicking Diet

  • Heart Health

  • Improve Your Mood

  • Nutrition & Lifestyle for Cancer Prevention

  • Optimal Pregnancy

  • Salicylates

For NCI Well Connect paid members, it is free for download at Members Only Archives. For nonpaid members, they can be ordered a la carte at our shopsite.

Text Us We accept text messages. Type (847) 498-3422 and text away!

COVID-19 Vaccine Information View this document here.

Virus Prevention And Treatment Vaccines minimize COVID-19 related mortality and hospitalizations, but SARS-CoV-2 is here to stay. Moreover, it is not the only virus we fight. There are influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Continue your immune support year-round. For more information, refer to our Prevent and Fight Viruses 2.0 Protocol.

Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 The official diagnosis for post-COVID syndrome (PCS) are symptoms that last for 12 weeks or more. If you, a family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor is suffering from PCS, diligently following our Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 Action Plan for purchase, or free to paid members here (must use the password), can bring measurable improvement.

Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie Minsky

In Today's Issue...

  • Well Connect Feature: Ashwagandha*

  • Celebrate Wellness

  • July/June 20% OFF Sale Items

  • Chiro Corner NEW!

  • Pure Genomics

  • Blog Briefs

  • Well Connect Member Benefits

*Paid Member Access Only

Celebrate Wellness

Steve: As we approach this celebratory long weekend, let's highlight and applaud all of the wonderful research that reinforces why we adhere to optimal diet, supplements, and lifestyle. Extend Life Expectancy Through Diet A young American adult could add more than a decade to their life expectancy by changing their diet from a typical Western diet to an individualized, optimized diet that includes less processed meat and more fruit and vegetables, according to a new study in PLOS Medicine. For older persons, the anticipated gains to life expectancy from such dietary changes would be smaller, but still substantial. A study from BMC Medicine purports that a greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet during a 20-year scientific monitoring is associated with a lower mortality in adults over 65. Vitamin D In those with mutations of specific vitamin D genes, higher vitamin D levels reduced all-cause mortality by 30% in those who had low vitamin D levels, according to a study from The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. This reaffirms the importance of testing your vitamin D genes to adequately anticipate risk of deficiency. A study from Clinical Nutrition found higher circulating vitamin D levels were associated with reduced mortality risk among U.S. adults over 10 years. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Researchers have found that omega-3 levels in the blood are very good mortality risk predictors. The authors of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study used data from a long-term study group, the Framingham Offspring Cohort, which has been monitoring residents of a Massachusetts town since 1971. They concluded that having higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood, as a result of regularly including oily fish in the diet, increases life expectancy by almost five years. Folate and Vitamin B6 Higher dietary intakes of folate and vitamin B6 were associated with a reduced risk of mortality from all-cause, cardiovascular disease, and cancer for men and with mortality from all-cause and cardiovascular disease for women, according to a study from Nutrients.


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