From eNewsletter 1/15/2020
DID YOU KNOW that in addition to Monday's glowing study about magnesium benefitting for blood sugar, another study published this week in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition lauded magnesium's ability to lower risk of coronary artery disease (CAD)?
Researchers found the lower the magnesium level, the higher the risk for CAD. We love this study because subjects were followed for over 27 years!
Intermittent Fasting Endorsed by Prestigious Journal
Steve & Bonnie: We've discussed Intermittent Fasting numerous times recently, for good reason. Aside from our review study last summer, much has happened since then.
A small study showed positive results for time-restricted feeding in women. Until this study, most of the beneficial research was only evident in men.
A study in the late December issue of New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most prestigious medical journals, agrees with us that scientific evidence support the claims made for Intermittent Fasting, especially time-restricted feeding.
Intermittent fasting diets fall generally into two categories: daily time-restricted feeding, which narrows eating times to 6-8 hours per day, and so-called 5:2 intermittent fasting, in which people limit themselves to one moderate-sized meal two days each week. Alternating between times of fasting and eating supports cellular health, by triggering an age-old adaptation to periods of food scarcity called metabolic switching. Such a switch occurs when cells use up their stores of rapidly accessible, sugar-based fuel, and begin converting fat into energy in a slower metabolic process. This switch improves blood sugar regulation, increases resistance to stress and suppresses inflammation. Because most Americans eat three meals plus snacks each day, they do not experience the switch, or the benefits. Evidence is mounting that intermittent fasting can modify risk factors associated with obesity, diabetes, and brain health as well. According to the lead author of the NEJM study, "we are at a transition point where we could soon consider adding information about intermittent fasting to medical school curricula alongside standard advice about healthy diets and exercise." Be advised that feeling hungry and irritable is common initially and usually passes after two weeks to a month as the body and brain become accustomed to the new habit. The lead author also echoes what we say whenever we refer to Intermittent Fasting: please discuss it with a knowledgable health professional first. If you have a history of low blood sugar or a blood sugar condition, do not try it until you speak with your doctor. One thing is for sure, Intermittent Fasting is a much safer option than the ketogenic diet, which ranked dead last for eating styles for 2020!
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