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From eNewsletter 3/27/2024

DID YOU KNOW that based on decades-long observations of centenarians, people live longer when they get up and move around after sitting for twenty minutes?

A rigorous new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association showed that older women who sat for 11.7 hours or more per day increased their risk of death by 30 percent, regardless of whether they exercised vigorously.

Sedentary behavior is a health risk because it reduces muscle contractions, blood flow and glucose metabolism. And on the heels of a recent survey that shows 1 in 8 working Americans do not take a break during the day, please try to get up every 30 minutes even if only for 30 seconds at a time.

To read the rest of this issue, please go to this page.

From eNewsletter 3/25/2024

DID YOU KNOW that positive data vitamin D continues to be voluminous?

A study from Clinical Nutrition states that optimal vitamin D levels are substantially correlated with a reduction in mortality risk from all-cause, cardiovascular disease, and cancer in postmenopausal women. Another study from Frontiers in Nutrition found the same in all US adults over a 17 year period.

According to a study from Frontiers in Nutrition, there was a correlation between daily vitamin D intake and reduced risk of anxiety and sleep disorders.

Higher maternal vitamin D3 intake was associated with a decreased risk of autism, lower autistic symptom load, and decreased risk of ADHD diagnosis in offpsring, according to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Another study from The Journal of Clinical Allergy & Immunology found a significant reduction in asthma among offspring aged 3 and 6 years when comparing vitamin D3 supplementation at 4400 IU daily to 400 IU daily. The higher dose supplement also led to a decrease in total serum IgE levels.

Legislative Note For Illinoisans Only:

We ask that you support Senate Bill 2637, which would eliminate 5 harmful additives from our food supply: brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben, Red Dye No. 3 and titanium dioxide. The European Union and the state of California have already passed similar legislation.

To read the rest of today's issue, please go to this page.

From eNewsletter 3/20/2024

DID YOU KNOW that a new study from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows there is a gender gap between women and men when it comes to exercise?

The findings show that women can exercise less often than men, yet receive greater cardiovascular gains. Researchers tracked subjects who performed consistent physical activity over 22 years and mortality risk was reduced by 24% in women and 15% in men.

The research team studied moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity, such as brisk walking or cycling, and found that women achieved the same degree of survival benefit by exercising half of what men had to do. The results were the same when it came to muscle-strengthening activity, such as weightlifting or core body exercises.

To read the rest of today's issue, please go to this page.

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