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Caffeine: How Much Is Too Much | Meditation for All?

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From eNewsletter 5/20/2019

DID YOU KNOW that new research has found how much coffee is too much, even for those who do not have a caffeine gene mutation?

According to a study in this month's American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking six or more coffees a day can increase your risk of heart disease by up to 22 percent, even if you do not have a caffeine-metabolizing gene (CYP1A2) mutation. 

For those that have a partial mutation, we suggest 1-2 cups maximum. For those with a full mutation, we suggest avoiding caffeine altogether, as it can raise cardiac risk by 65 percent or more.

Our Pure genomics panel screens for this gene.


Steve and Bonnie: Overactive immune response usually lead to two things, autoimmune disease or hypersensitivity.

Autoimmune disease is a result of autoimmunity, the immune system losing its ability to distinguish friend (self) from foe (foreign antigens). The artillery of the immune system, like friendly fire, turns against itself. Antibodies and cytotoxic T cells destroy its own tissues. Some common examples of autoimmune diseases are Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes, and Lupus.

Unfortunately, the most widely used treatments for autoimmune conditions, such as corticosteroids, suppress the entire immune system. While newer treatments seek to target only specific aspects of the immune system, the only conventional treatments now just block. The biggest challenge is selectively blocking autoimmune responses without blocking responses necessary to combat infection.

This is why it is so important to support our immunity with the proper lifestyle choices. In addition, knowing our genetic predisposition is crucial to gauge how rigorous we need to be in preventing autoimmunity.

Hypersensitivities result when the immune system damages tissue as it fights off a perceived threat (such as pollen) that would otherwise be harmful to the body. The different types of hypersensitivity reactions are distinguished by (1) their time course, and (2) whether they involve antibodies or T-cells. Immediate reactions are antibody-associated and usually last for about thirty minutes. These would be considered allergic, IgE reactions. Subacute reactions are also antibody-associated but appears after 1-3 hours can last up to 15 hours. This reaction would be considered an IgG intolerance. T-cells cause delayed reactions (between 1-3 days) such as dermatitis from poison ivy.

Now you know why we spend so much effort on trying to understand your immunity!


Steve: Whether targeted to men or women, the range of quality, efficacy, and danger in sex supplements is vast...this article is reserved for NCI Well Connect Members. You can get this article by signing up here. You can get our free eNewsletter by signing up at the top of our website.


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