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Collagen's Hidden Benefits

From eNewsletter 8/21/2024

DID YOU KNOW that collagen protein supplementation may be beneficial for reasons you may not have even considered?

In a recent study from Frontiers in Nutrition, 12 weeks of 15 grams of collagen supplementation during exercise training reduced acute markers of exercise-induced muscle damage and improved post-exercise regenerative capacity in study subjects. The main inflammatory marker that showed reductions was C-reactive protein.

For many of our clients, we love fish collagen peptides because it contains the most types of collagen. In a recent Nutrients study, fish collagen protein supplementation had antioxidant effects on different tissue cells damaged by oxidative stress. They promoted cellular homeostasis, inhibited inflammation, and protected mitochondria.

NOTE: Make sure to read today's new Case Report: "I Can Be a Mom Again" at this page.


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