From eNewsletter 5/27/2024

DID YOU KNOW that America's hottest selling dietary supplement right now is magnesium? How ahead of the game were you?!
Researchers in a European Journal of Nutrition study found that after following cognitively health adults aged between 40 and 73, who increased their total daily intake of magnesium (from food and supplements) to 550 mg., their "brain age" was nearly one year younger compared to those who consumed a total magnesium dose of 350 mg daily.
In a Frontiers in Nutrition study, the authors support the view that magnesium deficiency is associated with increased risk of cardiac arrest as well as respiratory failure and acute coronary syndrome.
Double Sale Week!
Starting today and ending Friday, May 31, take advantage of 20% OFF sale items for May and June. We are open on Memorial Day!
To read the rest of today's issue, please go to this page.