From eNewsletter 1/24/2022
DID YOU KNOW that relying on diet pills for weight loss is not an effective strategy? According to a study in Obesity, not only are diet supplements ineffective, they can be dangerous, especially if purchased on the Internet. Of course, the same goes for prescription diet pills, which have consistently shown to be more dangerous than efficacious. There is simply no replacement for implementing positive lifestyle changes that touch every aspect of your daily life. One new discovery among myriad benefits of weight loss is that you become less sensitive to junk food advertising. Food manufacturers don't want you to know that scientifically, relentless advertising for sugary drinks and high-fat junk are more successful in those who are overweight. An independent study from Journal of Consumer Psychology just confirmed this. Don't let Big Food get the best of you!
Food Intolerance Blood Draw Options to set up a Biotrition food intolerance test blood draw. By appointment only:
One Saturday per month at Biotrition in Glenview - 1/22/22 and 2/12/2
Tue, Wed, TH 9AM-3PM at NICL Labs in Northbrook
Text, email, or call us to set up your appointment.
Text Us If It Is Convenient! We encourage text messages at (847) 498-3422.
UPDATE - Our COVID-19 Vaccine Opinion The document at this link was updated January 24th.
Virus Prevention And Treatment Vaccines will minimize COVID-19 related mortality and hospitalizations, but SARS-CoV-2 is not going away. Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 is not the only virus we fight. There are influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. We highly recommend continuing your immune support. See our Prevent and Fight Viruses 2.0 Protocol.
COVID-19 Condition Monograph For those interested in conventional and integrative treatments for COVID-19 with over 250 references, this is our COVID-19 Condition Monograph.
Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 (updated November 2021) The official diagnosis for post-COVID syndrome (PCS) are symptoms that last for 12 weeks or more. If you, a family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor is suffering from PCS, diligently following our Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 Action Plan for purchase, or free to paid members here (must use the password), can bring measurable improvement.
In Today's Issue
Paid Member Content
Well Connect Feature: Rotate Your Proteins
Did You Know Meds: Meds Affect Gut Bacteria Differently
Mythbuster: Is Recovery Sleep Effective?
Brand Buzz: Exquisitely Tasty Radish | Spaghetti Squash Pasta
Tech for Wellness: VR, Exergames, and Physical Activity
Green Lifestyle: Nature and Body Image
Wild Card: Average Daily Water Intake, Output for a Woman
eInspire: Audrey Hepburn
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Lifestyle Choices & Cancer Risk
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Pure Genomics
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Lifestyle Lowers Genetic Cancer Risk
In an extremely exciting study published in Medrxiv, researchers found a correlation between positive lifestyle choices and a reduced risk of genetic cancers. Key Takeaway A healthy lifestyle, which includes physical activity, a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, and low consumption of processed meats, alcohol, or tobacco, may offset genetic risks for five cancers. Alternatively, an unhealthy lifestyle can increase overall cancer risk and the risk of eight cancer types. Why This Matters Telling those genetically predisposed to cancer that they have some control over their situation may alleviate distress and help them make positive lifestyle changes. Key Results Unhealthy habits increased the overall risk of cancer 32%. Unhealthy habits increased the risk of eight cancer types: lung cancer, bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, pharyngeal cancer, uterine cancer, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer. The authors say their findings also suggest that "a healthy lifestyle is of greater benefit in those with a high genetic susceptibility to colorectal, breast, and pancreatic cancers, and may completely offset genetic risk for lung and bladder cancers.