From eNewsletter 4/10/2019

DID YOU KNOW that a new study confirmed what we have been warning our clients about since cannabis, CBD, and hemp products have exploded onto the scene?
Last month, allergists reported in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice that hemp seeds and cannabis are cross-reactive in allergic individuals. Most patients had grass pollen allergies, but some had other allergies as well.
Aside from irritating symptoms such as skin rash and hives, several patients exhibited severe anaphylactic reactions.
We acknowledge the emerging evidence supporting cannabis and hemp for myriad conditions, but we DO NOT recommend these products for allergic individuals, especially if grass pollen allergic.
Bonnie & Steve:Â Most of you have heard us at some point recommend the cruciferous family of vegetables. For good reason. They lower your death risk.
Cruciferous vegetables contain isothiocyanates, which effectively reduce inflammation and oxidative stress related to chronic diseases, inhibit the bioactivation of procarcinogens, and enhance the excretion of carcinogens.
A huge study over 17 years concluded that there was a distinct association between cruciferous vegetable intake and lower mortality in both genders. In the Clinical Nutrition study, cruciferous vegetable intake was associated with lower cancer mortality in men, as well as with heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and injury-related mortality in women.
Cruciferous vegetable consumption is especially important in those with certain genetic mutations.
One complaint we get from some clients is that cruciferous veggies can be hard to digest. To avoid this, cooking or microwaving them slightly will help with digestion but not affect its effectiveness.
Google "cruciferous vegetable list," choose what you like, and rotate your favorites weekly.
Finally, something we can recommend in addition to stevia!
Monk fruit extract has been around for a while, but was always blended with sugars or zero calorie sweeteners. Now Organic Monk Fruit Extract Powder is 100% monk fruit and nothing else.
Also known as Luo Han Guo or Lo Han, monk fruit is a natural, zero calorie sweetener. Monk fruit is 200 times sweeter than sugar, is a fantastic alternative to sugar in beverages, and has virtually no aftertaste.
For those of you who eschew stevia because you don't like the taste, we think you will find monk fruit very pleasing to the palate.
A perfect spring salad...this article is reserved for NCI Well Connect Members. You can get this article by signing up here. You can get our free eNewsletter by signing up at the top of our website.