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Nutrients to Delay Brain Aging

From eNewsletter 8/5/2024

DID YOU KNOW that you can help digest your food better by eating bitter foods?

You may have heard me talk about how most Americans do not activate all of their taste receptors. While sugar, salt, and fat taste receptors are supercharged from the Standard American Diet, bitter and sour taste receptors are mostly ignored. Not only are some of our healthiest foods bitter and sour, but they can activate our stomach to generate more stomach acid, thus aiding digestion.

A study from Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that parietal cells in the stomach, responsible for acid production, react to bitter-tasting food constituents. Many vegetables can be bitter, so this is yet one more of the myriad reasons you should be eating them daily.

To read the rest of today's issue, please go to this page.


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