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Sleep Improvement | Mag and Brain Age

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eNewsletter 11/29/2023

DID YOU KNOW that a study from European Journal of Nutrition found that in 6,000 cognitively healthy participants who consumed 550 mg. of total magnesium daily (from food and supplements) had a "brain age" nearly one year younger by the time they turned 55, as opposed to those who consumed 350 mg daily?

This is why supplemental magnesium is so helpful. You may be able to get 100-200 mg. daily if you eat a healthy diet, but it is very hard to get to 550 mg. total magnesium without supplementation.

Small Business Saturday Recap!

We are truly thankful for the outpouring of support you showed us for Small Business Saturday. And we hope all of the raffle winners enjoy their prizes!

Double Sale Week Ends Tomorrow!

You have until the end of day on Thursday, November 30th to get both 20% OFF sale items for November and December. See website for details.

23andMe Raw Data Access Issue

Some of you may have had trouble over the last week downloading your raw genetic data from 23andMe. 23andMe has not told us when this will be resolved, so we urge you to contact them to complain. Our Pure Genomics platform also can read raw data from, so if you do not want to wait for 23andMe, you can use

For Prevention or During Infection

Year-round infection is the new normal. We are exposed to many endemic viruses including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), monkeypox, and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Support your immune system with our Free Prevent and Fight Infection 2.0 Protocol here.


Steve: For many of us, this time of year can be the most difficult to get sleep quality and quantity. Here's the latest research on the subject.

Mouth Taping

On social media and beyond, a trend called mouth taping is keeping people’s mouths shut at night, supposedly helping them breathe through their nose. This should never be done with working with a knowledgable health professional. While it may have merit for sleep apnea, there are concerns. First, with your lips stuck together, air may pump into your nose but flow into your mouth and will puff out your cheeks. Second, it may impede your breathing if you have trouble breathing through your nose or accidentally inhale the tape and choke.

Endocannabinoid System

A study in Nature Communications reveals that heightened pain sensitivity from chronic sleep disruption may indicate lower levels of N-arachidonoyl dopamine (NADA), a type of neurotransmitter called an endocannabinoid. Activating your endocannabinoid system might break the vicious cycle between pain and sleep loss. This is why for some, cannabidiol (CBD) can be so helpful. A recent study from Nutrients found that eight weeks of daily 50 mg CBD may improve sleep quality in younger adults.

GABA and L-Theanine Combination

A new study from Medrxiv found that simultaneous intake of GABA (700 mg.) and L-theanine (200 mg.) improved sleep in adults, based upon data tabulated by a Fitbit Charge 5.

Shortened Sleep

After just six weeks of shortened sleep, a study from Scientific Reports found that cells that line our blood vessels are flooded by damaging oxidants. And unlike well-rested cells, sleep-restricted cells fail to activate antioxidant responses to clear the destructive molecules. The result are cells that are inflamed and dysfunctional, an early step in the development of cardiovascular disease. This is why if you are sleep deprived for a period of time for work or having a baby, it is crucial that you you consume plenty of antioxidants from food and supplements.

Suicide Prevention

A study from Preventing Chronic Disease states that increased attention to sleep as a modifiable risk factor for mental health among adolescents is particularly important because of the many less modifiable factors that contribute to mental health difficulties in this population. the authors suggest adolescent mental health programs should consider sleep an important factor in suicide prevention.

CASE REPORT - Don't Live to Eat. Eat to Live

Steve: A 61 year-old female came in to see me presenting with fatigue, muscle pain, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, severe dry eyes, unbalanced gait, and borderline hyperthyroid.

Her blood work showed acute and chronic inflammation, prediabetes, liver stress, and thyroid dysfunction.

She rarely ate breakfast, ate mostly processed foods except for the occasional green drink, consumed food chemicals regularly, ate late night regularly, and was addicted to sugar.

She did little physical activity except for the standing she did at her job.

I suggested that she speak with her doctor to adjust her thyroid medication. 

Knowing her symptoms and that she had OCD, we worked together on a plan that worked best under these circumstances. She followed a very specific, balanced eating schedule including breakfast, with lean proteins, fruit and vegetables, and tolerated grains and alternative grains. Late night eating was eliminated.

I also put her on targeted dietary supplements to fill nutrient deficiencies. Once she was in a groove with her eating schedule, she would introduce aerobic activity and yoga.

Her response after checking in at 6 months:

"Hi Steve, I'm doing great with my eating habits, thanks to you! No late night snacking and I'm eating about 90% less sugar. I never thought that I could give up sugar. I've lost 17 pounds. It's hard to be fat when you eat healthy! I go by your guidelines for most meals and by your motto 'don't live to eat, eat to live'. The dry eye is improved. I'm sure that all the vegetables and fruit along with way less sugar has helped my dry eye. It's hard to put into words how grateful I am for everything that one visit with you did for me. Thank you, Steve!!!!"

Did you have a great experience working with us? Please let others know by leaving a review here.

Disclaimer: Case reports are not intended for self-healing. Case reports are for references purposes only and should be discussed with your health professional.


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