From eNewsletter 9/14/2020

DID YOU KNOW that the act of giving and receiving increases well-being? According to a new study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, those who share more also live longer. The recipient benefits directly from the gift, and the giver benefits indirectly through emotional satisfaction. What is new about this study is that for the first time, researchers examined income transfers. For all 34 countries studied, societies in Western European countries and Japan transfer a lot of income to the youngest and oldest and mortality rates are low. In France and Japan, the two countries with the lowest mortality rates of all the countries studied, an average citizen shares between 68 and 69 percent of their lifetime income. The risk of dying is only half as high for people over 65 as in China or Turkey, where between 44 and 48 percent of lifetime income is redistributed. The United States was not included in the study. VIRUS PREVENTION
Continue with extra immune support until summer of 2021. SARS-CoV-2 knows no boundaries and does not discriminate. Besides, SARS-CoV-2 is not the only virus we fight. There is influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Prevent and Fight Coronavirus 2.0 is our must-read protocol. For detailed advice about conventional, as well as integrative treatments, read Steve Minsky's COVID-19 Condition Monograph.
Steve and Bonnie: We know that viruses can travel via air droplets, which cover short distances. The current six foot social distancing recommendation applies to air droplets.
We also know that viral transmission via aerosol particles is possible. Air particles can travel up to 30 feet.
Now, according to a study in Nature Communications, viruses can attach to dust particles and travel much longer distances. This study examined the influenza virus. There has not been any research exploring if coronaviruses can travel on dust.
We are not writing about this to scare you. We are writing this with the hope that you understand that no matter how many steps you take to avoid exposure to viruses, and other pathogens for that matter, there will always be risk. As long as that risk is calculated by having the best knowledge at your fingertips, you don't have to drive yourself crazy.
The best calculated risk is prevention, which means you adhere to every optimal lifestyle choice as closely as you can. Thus, the host (you) will be able to withstand the pathogenic insults that come your way.
For reducing dust particle exposure, you can take preventive measures at home and your workplace with HEPA air filtering, washing your bedding weekly, and HEPA vacuuming periodically.
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