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From eNewsletter 1/29/2024

DID YOU KNOW that while it's been established that secondhand smoke is a detriment to health and linked to cancer, a study in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology suggest thirdhand smoke, which is the presence of toxic tobacco by-products that remain on surfaces such as furniture, décor, walls and floors, may also be carcinogenic?

Researchers found nicotine on surfaces in all of the children's homes where study subjects smoked, and detected the presence of a tobacco-specific carcinogen (called NNK) in nearly half of the homes. NNK levels on surfaces and vacuumed dust were similar, which indicates that surfaces and dust can be similar reservoirs and sources of thirdhand smoke exposure for children.

For more about our double sale and the growing impact of COVID-19, go to this page.

From eNewsletter 1/24/2024

DID YOU KNOW that a study from Frontiers in Nutrition found that omega-3 fatty acids supplementation had positive effects on the regulation of fat tissue related genes in patients with myriad metabolic conditions?

As you may or may not know, adipose tissue, also known as fat tissue, is an organ system in and of itself. This means it can be affected by hormone, toxin, nervous system, and genetic dysfunction.

One way to calm dysfunction is to use omega-3 fatty acids, usually in the form of fish or fish oil. Excitingly, the researchers confirm that omega-3 fatty acids can quell negative expression of genes associated with the proliferation of fat tissue.

To read "Matters of the Heart" and much more, go to this page.

From eNewsletter 1/22/2025

DID YOU KNOW that a study from JAMA Internal Medicine found a way to prevent Alzheimer's by up to 145% with the help of health and wellness counselors?

According to the lead author, "Our hypothesis was that a personalized approach, in which people’s individual risk factors are assessed, not one size for all, and the person can choose their goals and ways to improve their risk factor, e.g. nutrition, sleep, physical activity, social engagement, that we would be able to reduce risk and this would translate to better cognition. No one has tried this approach before and we found that we could improve risk factors and cognition even though this occurred during COVID".

We disagree with one part of that quote. There are those who have been taking this approach for years, such as ourselves. And we have always said we are not "one-size-fits-all".

After two years, researchers found participants who received personalized counseling experienced a 74% improvement in cognitive testing over the nonpersonalized group. Additionally, the personalized counseling group also had a 145% improvement in risk factors and an 8% improvement in quality of life compared to the nonpersonalized group.

Note: Steve is a Health and Wellness Counselor, the type of practitioner used in the study.

To read "Ubiquitous Toxin Concern" and more, please go to this page please.

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