From eNewsletter 9/4/2019

DID YOU KNOW that last season's flu vaccine turned out to be a disappointment again? According to the Center for Disease and Control and Prevention, overall effectiveness was only 29%. Influenza is particularly challenging, partly because the virus can so quickly change. Since its existence, overall, flu vaccine has averaged around 40% in effectiveness.
Steve and Bonnie: According to numerous research studies, replacing BPA with similar chemicals does nothing to mitigate the harms chemical exposure has on our health. The latest study from Journal of the Endocrine Society states that exposure to common chemicals in plastics and canned foods play a role in childhood obesity.
Bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF) are manufactured chemicals used in certain kinds of plastic, in the lining of aluminum-canned food and drinks, and in thermal paper from cash-register receipts. These chemicals have been used as a replacement for bisphenol A (BPA), the well-known endocrine-disrupting chemical that harms human health by interfering with the body's hormones.
BPS and BPF use is growing because manufacturers have been replacing BPA with these chemicals, so it is contributing to greater frequency of exposure. Although diet and lack of exercise are still the main drivers of obesity, this research suggests that common chemical exposures may also play a role, specifically among children.
In this study, among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years, those who had greater levels of BPS and BPF in their urine were more likely to have obesity compared to children with lower levels.
Whenever possible, try to use glass or stainless steel containers for food and beverages, and choose non-plastic toys and baby products. Plastic is ubiquitous in our environment, but its use can be mitigated with a little extra effort.
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