From eNewsletter 4/19/2023

DID YOU KNOW that plants make sounds? Tomato plants “scream” when a stem is cut off, a first-of-its-kind study from Cell reveals. They actually emit airborne sounds similar to “bubble-wrap being popped” that is detectable from more than three feet away when they are thirsty. Although it’s hard to detect for humans, animals are able to hear the sounds, meaning that plants can communicate with their surroundings far more than we realize. It also means that by “listening” in, farmers will be able to tell when their crop is suffering from stress.
Services Update
Published Materials Update Shopping Lists Natural Foods Shopping List Gluten-Free Natural Foods Shopping List Corn-Free and Gluten-Free Action Plans Build the Optimal Youth Athlete Heart Health Healthy Bones Improve Your Mood MANopause Natural Fertility Nutrition and Lifestyle for Cancer Prevention Optimal Pregnancy Pain Relief Diet Sleep Well Sports Nutrition Action Plans may be purchased separately at our website shop, or the entire 46 title library and shopping lists are free with a NCI Well Connect paid membership.
Steve Minsky MS, HWC As a Health and Wellness Counselor, he will analyze and offer solutions to optimize not only the food you eat, but every aspect of your lifestyle, whether for prevention or healing. More information on Steve's services.
Text Us If It Is Convenient We accept text messages (except for Bonnie). Type (847) 498-3422 and text away!
Pet Wellness Start your pets off right this year with our dietary supplement line for dogs and cats! ThorneVet has an impeccable reputation among veterinarians. To order from our wellness shop, please visit here (for prices, enter the Guest Area password: discount2018). Carolyn Martinelli a.k.a. "Coach Care" is available to answer your questions about ThorneVet pet supplements at Please leave detailed contact information as well as the name, age, sex, breed, and/or health issue(s) and med(s) of your pet so Carolyn can respond accordingly. Online Gift Cards Giving the gift of wellness has never been easier. Order your gift cards here.
Infection Support
Prevention ur During Infection COVID-19 is endemic, meaning it is here to stay. Moreover, we are exposed to many other endemic viruses including influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), monkeypox, and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Support your immune system year-round with our Free Prevent and Fight Viruses 2.0 Protocol here.
Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie Minsky
In Today's Issue...
WC Feature* Blood Sugar Update
Making Blood Sugar Disorders Less Severe
April 20% OFF Sale Items
Case Report
Chiro Corner NEW!
Pure Genomics
Blog Briefs NEW!
Well Connect Member Benefits *Paid Member Access Only
Making Blood Sugar Disorders Less Severe
Steve: Three recent studies remind us that adhering to certain diet and lifestyle ideals can significantly lower adverse effects for those with blood sugar disorders. A study in Nature Medicine found participants following a time restricted, intermittent fasting diet for three days during the week, only eating between 8am and 12pm on those days, showed a greater tolerance to glucose after 6 months than those on a daily, low-calorie diet. Participants who followed this eating style were more sensitive to insulin and also experienced a greater reduction in blood lipids. A very large study from JAMA Network Open examined microvascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and foot disorders are the most common microvascular complications. During follow-up, a significant number of patients developed microvascular complications. Those who adhered closest to a healthy lifestyle before and after type 2 diabetes diagnosis were associated with a much lower risk of developing microvascular complications. A healthy lifestyle consisted of nonsmoking, having a healthy body weight, engaging in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, consuming a high-quality diet, and moderate alcohol drinking. Each increment in number of low-risk lifestyle factors was associated with a 6% lower risk for any microvascular complications and a 9% lower risk for diabetic neuropathy. A study from Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics found intake of at least four servings/day of vegetables was associated with a considerably reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, independently of other dietary habits! Mind-Body to Lower Blood Sugar A new study from Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine finds that mind-body practices help with controlling blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. The mind-body practices ranged from meditation, qigong, yoga, and mindfulness-based stress reduction. They compared the health outcomes of these groups with people who only received medicine to lower their blood sugar levels. All the mind-body practices made a significant decrease in the blood sugar of diabetics. Specifically, the researchers observed a .84% reduction in hemoglobin A1C, a marker for average blood sugar levels. Yoga was the most common mind-body practice and showed the largest effects, averaging at a 1% decrease in hemoglobin A1C. While 1% may not seem like much, it had similar effects to metformin, a popular diabetes drug, that reduces hemoglobin A1C by 1.1%. Finally, as elucidated in this issue's "Well Connect Feature," there were amazing studies on dietary supplements fenugreek, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, probiotics, resveratrol, vitamin D, and vitamin E for diabetes prevention and adjunct treatment.