From eNewsletter 10/19/2020
DID YOU KNOW that a study by The Happiness Researcher Institute just may have found a way to boos happiness quickly? Researchers there found that keeping off Facebook for one week can significantly improve one's overall life satisfaction. 94% of study subjects admitted to using Facebook at least once per day and 78% used it for at least 30 minutes a day. One group was banned from logging onto Facebook for a week, while a control group was told to continue using the site as they normally would. People who continued to use Facebook were 55% more likely to be stressed. Those who stopped their social media habits experienced less concentration difficulties, felt more satisfied in their (real life) social lives, and were 18% more likely to feel present in the moment. More people who didn't use Facebook also reported feeling happier, enthusiastic, and decisive than those in the control group. Meanwhile, more people who stuck with Facebook reported feeling lonely, sad, depressed, angry, and worried than those who stopped using the site. The researchers also concluded that people who use Facebook regularly are 39% more likely to feel less happy. Instead of focusing on what we actually need, we have an unfortunate tendency to focus on what other people have. And yes, there really is a Happiness Researcher Institute in Denmark! YUMMI BEARS OUT, PURE NUTRIENTS GUMMY IN! Over the last few years, we have been frustrated with the quality control and availability of Hero Yummi Bears. We have had a difficult time finding a replacement we could endorse, until now. Pure Encaps just introduced PureNutrients Gummy. Not only do we love the ingredients, but it tastes great and is gluten- and- corn-free! VIRUS PREVENTION Continue with extra immune support until at least summer of 2021. SARS-CoV-2 knows no boundaries and does not discriminate. Besides, SARS-CoV-2 is not the only virus we fight. There is influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Prevent and Fight Coronavirus 2.0 is our must-read protocol. For detailed advice about conventional, as well as integrative treatments, read Steve Minsky's COVID-19 Condition Monograph.
Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie
Steve and Bonnie: Plant based foods...vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grain-like foods (especially quinoa and buckwheat) are fabulous for our health. The one important macro-nutrient that we can't get enough of from these foods, however, is viable protein.
How can this be true when the media and food companies are touting plant-based vegan diets?
Humans are designed to be omnivores, meaning we thrive on animal and plant foods. Our digestive systems have been designed to absorb foods this way. This is why humans for millennia have usually survived for short periods of time on plant foods when no animal protein was available, but their goal was to get as much animal food as they could gather. This factual information dates back over 40,000 years. To trust a new fad way of plant-based eating defies human genetics.
The information is either hidden or sketchy as to whether these new plant proteins are viable, safe, healthy, humane, organic, and good for the planet. Many of the substitute plant proteins contain concentrated soy from non-organic/pesticide/insecticide laden farms, small animals are killed when those farms are planted (disrupting animal and other plant ecosystems), hidden MSG is added for flavor, and heavy toxic metals are found in many of the products. Is this really the answer for humans becoming healthier?
How much saturated fat is in each serving size of a meat substitute patty? Would you be surprised to know that it is higher than a grassfed organic beef patty?
Before considering the purchase of plant based protein substitutes, it is important to ask the manufacturer the following questions: -Is your product made from concentrated soy? If so, and I have hormonal issues or have had a hormonal cancer, am I in danger? -If I don't have health issue now related to concentrated soy, is your soy protein organic or is it from a pesticide laden farm? -If your product includes pea, hemp, and/or rice proteins, are these products from organic farms? -How many small animals and insects were killed to grow your plant based farms? -Does your product contain yeast extract or autolyzed yeast? If so, do you know that these are hidden sources of MSG? -Does your product contain the sugars dextrose or maltodextrin from corn? If so, I would be consuming glyphosate (Roundup), which is most heavily sprayed on corn. -Does your product contain natural flavorings and can you explain the function of ingredients that have chemical names? -Does your product contain coconut oil? If so, how much saturated fat is in each substitute meat patty? -Does your product contain B-12, iron, and zinc in acceptable amounts? I've heard that unless it is added, the product can't have B-12. I've heard this critical nutrient is only found in animal foods.
If, after asking these questions, you feel comfortable eating the plant-based product, go right ahead. However, we are fairly confident you won't receive the answers you seek.
Following is the most important nutritional comparison data of a 4 oz. organic, grassfed ground beef patty to a common brand of a 4 oz. vegan substitute protein patty:
Grassfed Beef PattyPopular Vegan Patty
Calories200 vs 240
Protein 24 grams (well absorbed) vs 14 grams (poorly absorbed)
Carbohydrates 0 grams vs 9-15 grams
Total fat/saturated fat 7 grams/3 grams vs 18 grams/13 grams
Vitamin B12 9-10 mcg.vs 0 mcg.
Sodium 72 mg. vs 580 mg.
Iron 4-5 mg. vs 2.7 mg.
Zinc 8 mg. vs 4 mg.
As you can see, the vegan patty has much more saturated fat, more carbohydrates, much more sodium, and less nutrients (including no B-12).
And for those who eschew animal protein for philosophical reasons? We agree that current conventional methods of procuring of animal protein is grotesque. Organic and pasture-raised methods are humane. We agree animals are more complex organisms than plants. Yet, plants are also complex, and have been shown in research to have sensory cells, meaning they can feel. Plants also have the ability to communicate, sometimes in vast networks. Can you then argue because of this, killing plants is immoral?
Within the next ten years, we may be able to appeal to everyone's comfort level with cell cultured protein. The industry has a long way to go, but the future looks promising. More on this to come.
Even if it is an unpopular stance, we will always remain steadfast in recommending what is best for your personal health.
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