From eNewsletter 8/24/2020
DID YOU KNOW that according to a study from Journal of the American Heart Association, many patients forgo healthy habits after starting a statin or antihypertensive medication?
Researchers studied over 41,000 public-sector workers free of cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study and were tracked at 4-year intervals from 2000 to 2013. Results show that body mass index ticked up among all participants, but the average increase was larger among those starting an antihypertensive or statin medication. Participants who started medications were 82% more likely to become obese. Medication initiators were also more likely to cut back on physical activity and were more likely to become physically inactive.
The concern has always been that patient thinks they can stop worrying about lifestyle because the medication will do all the work. Unfortunately, this study supports that idea. You should always try to heal your body with diet and lifestyle changes before choosing meds, especially for blood pressure and cholesterol.
Steve and Bonnie: According to European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, sugar consumption is linked with larger fat deposits around the heart and in the abdomen, which is the riskiest type of fat for long-term health.
When we consume too much sugar, the excess is converted to fat and stored. This fat tissue located around the heart and in the abdomen releases chemicals into the body which can be harmful to health.
Excess sugar consumption is a worldwide problem. The six countries with the highest sales of sugary drinks per capita are Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, the US, and Saudi Arabia. The demand for sugar is expected to increase in Asia, Africa, and Russia.
This study examined both sugar-sweetened beverages and sugar added to foods and beverages for sweetness.
The study hits home to some of you as data were obtained from Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults, an ongoing cohort study of those aged 18 to 30 in the US that includes centers in Alabama, California, Illinois, and Minnesota.
Food and beverage intakes were measured three times over a 20-year period (1985 to 2005). After 25 years, computed tomography (CT) scans of the chest and abdomen were performed to measure fat volumes in the abdomen and around the heart.
I am encouraged that the authors stated that on top of our individual efforts, governments, food manufacturers, restaurants, schools, and workplaces have a crucial role to play in increasing consumer awareness of the sugar content in foods and beverages and offering healthier alternatives.
Oh yeah, and sugar is the number one foodstuff that suppresses the immune system. Not ideal during a pandemic!
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