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The Art of Snacking | Tough Goodbye

From eNewsletter 3/30/2022

DID YOU KNOW there is no easy way to say goodbye? Carolyn Martinelli, my daughter, will be leaving us on April 28th. I have been so blessed to have had her working by my side for the last 25 years. I am also proud that she made a healthy lifestyle for her entire family. I will miss seeing her smiling face to greet me at the office, but know in my heart that it is time for her to spread her wings and fly full speed into future endeavors. Love, Bonnie Working with my sister has not just been a joyous working relationship, but a meaningful personal relationship, as we have updated each other daily about the goings-on with our families and friends. I will miss those discussions. I wish Carolyn the best in her future endeavors, visiting Jimmy and Amanda, watching Nick and Dom play basketball at Elon and Saint Thomas, and spending more time with Jim and Von. Love, Steve While there is no replacing the family dynamic with Carolyn, I am thrilled to introduce two uber-talented women to Nutritional Concepts...Cindy Dooley and Diana Islas. Please introduce yourself when you meet them. And because they have an inordinate amount of information to synthesize and thousands of clients to learn about, please be patient with them while they train ;) Best, Bonnie Steve.


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COVID-19 Vaccine Information View this document here.

Virus Prevention And Treatment Vaccines minimize COVID-19 related mortality and hospitalizations, but SARS-CoV-2 is here to stay. Moreover, it is not the only virus we fight. There are influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Continue your immune support year-round. For more information, refer to our Prevent and Fight Viruses 2.0 Protocol.

Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 The official diagnosis for post-COVID syndrome (PCS) are symptoms that last for 12 weeks or more. If you, a family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor is suffering from PCS, diligently following our Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 Action Plan for purchase, or free to paid members here (must use the password), can bring measurable improvement.

Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie Minsky

In Today's Issue...

  • Well Connect Feature: Bonnie's Easter & Passover Favorites*

  • The Art of Snacking

  • March, April 20% OFF Sale Items

  • Chiro Corner NEW!

  • Pure Genomics

  • Blog Briefs

  • Well Connect Member Benefits

*Paid Member Access Only

The Art of Snacking Americans have a snacking problem. We are a population of tasters, and we don't realize how easily these calories add up. For parents of school-age children, snacking can be more pervasive. Eight out of 10 parents snack on their kids’ food while preparing school lunches. Nine out of 10 have bought extra kids’ snacks for themselves. While 60% prefer kids’ snacks over adult snacks. One out of three parents even consume their kids’ snack pouches. Snack foods for the most part are unhealthy because they are often heavily processed, and loaded with sugar and salt. We are conditioned to think these snacks are the norm, so we are at a health disadvantage when snacking. American lifestyle is such that stress and anxiety, via the workplace, media, family, and hectic schedules, to name a few, encourage snacking because it comforts us. For many, being at home during the pandemic elevated this behavior even more. Most of us do not have to snack. A predominately sedentary person can attain the energy they need from meals alone. Those who would benefit from snacking:

  • Athletes;

  • If you perform consistent rigorous exercise and need to repair muscle tissue and replace glycogen;

  • If you have a blood sugar imbalance;

  • If you need help reducing cravings;

  • If you need help to prevent overeating during meals.

There is art to snacking, so try to adhere to these three tenets.

  • When shopping, stay out of the middle aisles. Middle aisles contain mostly non-perishable items, which are heavily processed. Exceptions would be organic jerky and nuts. The outside aisles house perishable items. Fresh, perishable food is almost always better for you.

  • Instead of buying snacks, make extra during meal prep and use leftovers as your snacks.

  • Always balance your snacks. This means never eating a carbohydrate alone. Always accompany with a lea protein and/or healthy fat.

It is difficult to recommend snack ideas because each of you have varying nutritional needs, eating styles, and intolerances/allergies to consider. However, if you adhere to these three tenets, you will be snacking the best way possible. If you have trouble abstaining from snacks between meals, may we recommend an exercise snack instead? Exercise snacks are microbursts of physical activity that last only a minute or two. You should always do a quick warm up and cool down, but the entire process should not take more than five minutes or so. Short bursts of exercise have been shown to reduce cravings.


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