From eNewsletter 6/19/2019

DID YOU KNOW that according to a new study in Clinical Endocrinology, there is significantly less bone mineral density in adolescent women who were first taking hormonal contraceptives (HCs) compared with those not using them?
This suggests that HC, even though now including much lower estrogen doses than in the past, still has sufficiently high doses to decrease bone turnover and thus to likely suppress the bone formation necessary for optimal adolescent bone growth to peak bone mineral density.
Since HC use is now commonly started during adolescence and is used to treat mild symptomatic, non-contraceptive reasons such as acne and cramps, there may be a negative public health impact from the current practice.
Bonnie & Steve: Could working out five minutes a day, without lifting a single weight or jogging a single step, reduce your heart attack risk, help you think more clearly, and boost your sports performance?
Preliminary results from a clinical trial of Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST), presented this week at the Experimental Biology conference, suggest yes.
IMST is strength-training for the muscles you breathe in with. You can do it quickly in your home or office, without having to change your clothes.
Developed in the 1980s as a means to wean critically ill people off ventilators, IMST involves breathing in vigorously through a hand-held device, an inspiratory muscle trainer, which provides resistance. Imagine sucking hard through a straw which sucks back.
While 30 minutes per day of aerobic exercise has clearly been shown to lower blood pressure, only about 5 percent of adults meet that minimum. Meanwhile, 65 percent of mid-life adults have high systolic blood pressure.
Researchers found significant drops in blood pressure and improvements in large-artery function among those who performed just five minutes IMST, with no changes in those who used a sham breathing device that delivered low-resistance.
The IMST group is also performing better on certain cognitive and memory tests.
When asked to exercise to exhaustion, the IMST group was also able to stay on the treadmill longer and kept their heart rate and oxygen consumption lower during exercise.
Some cyclists and runners have already begun to use commercially-available inspiratory muscle trainers to gain a competitive edge.
The findings are preliminary and individuals should ask their doctor before considering IMST.
Adding fluoride to public water supplies is highly controversial. Counties and districts add fluoride to water supplies to prevent cavities and benefit bone metabolism...this article is reserved for NCI Well Connect Members. You can get this article by signing up here. You can get our free eNewsletter by signing up at the top of our website.