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Collagen: Hip or Hype?

From eNewsletter 7/27/2020

DID YOU KNOW that meditation was linked to lower cardiovascular risk in a study from American Journal of Cardiology? Of more than 61,000 participants, those who meditated had 65% lower rates of high cholesterol, 86% lower rates for high blood pressure, 70% lower rates for diabetes, 76% lower rates for stroke, and 51% lower rates for those with coronary artery disease, compared with those who did not meditate. STAYING SAFE AMIDST A PANDEMIC

Continue with extra immune support until summer of 2021. SARS-CoV-2 knows no boundaries and does not discriminate. Besides, SARS-CoV-2 is not the only virus we fight. There is influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Prevent and Fight Coronavirus 2.0 is our must-read protocol.


Steve and Bonnie: There are 16 types of collagen, but most of the collagen is type I and III, found in skin, tendons, organs and bone. Type II is found only in cartilage, hence, its link to mitigating osteoarthritis. Type V is even less abundant, but is very important for repairing heart tissue properly, especially after a heart attack. Our Pure Genomics analysis screens for mutations in Type I and Type V collagen.

Collagen powder and supplements are all the rage, but you're just spending money on pricey protein, because that's the only way your body sees it.

Your body can't tell whether you ate a hydrolyzed collagen supplement or a piece of chicken. They're both protein, and once your digestive system has broken them down into amino acids, they are indistinguishable.

The best way to help make sufficient collagen is to eat plenty of protein and vitamin C, which promotes collagen production. The most abundant amino acid in collagen is glycine. Did you know that the supplement magnesium glycinate is magnesium bound to glycine? So you are not only benefitting by getting better absorbed magnesium, but getting a collagen production boost as well.

It is essential to know if you have a genetic predisposition for poorly utilizing vitamin C. Pure Genomics screens for this. If you have one or both mutations, taking supplemental vitamin C is essential for proper collagen production. If you want to use collagen as a protein powder and rotate it with whey or egg, that's okay. Just make sure you do not purchase collagen powder that contains Type II because you only need it in small amounts.

Type II collagen helps retrain your immune system to stop attacking cartilage, which leads to osteoarthritis. But only take it in small supplemental doses between 20-40 milligrams per day. In addition, if you choose to consume collagen, it is the wild west out there. Recent testing reveals popular collagen products contain a number of potentially hazardous contaminants, including antibiotics, prescription drug metabolites, parabens, steroids and insecticides. These contaminants suggest the collagen is sourced from animals raised in (concentrated animal feeding operations) CAFOs. To avoid exposure to CAFO-related contaminants, make sure the product is USDA "100% Organic" and/or certified grass-fed by the AGA. The most complete collagen supplement, which contains all of the most important types of collagen, is marine collagen (from fish). Unfortunately, this is not widely available.


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