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Supp Quality Control Is Critical

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From eNewsletter 5/4/2022

DID YOU KNOW that a study from Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry reports that children with ADHD and emotional dysregulation randomized to take a micronutrient formula were three times more likely to show symptomatic improvement compared to those in the placebo group (54% versus 18%)? The micronutrient formula, a high potency multi consisting of all known vitamins and essential minerals, was administered for eight weeks. In addition to behavioral and emotional benefits, children taking micronutrients grew 6 millimeters more in height than those taking placebo after adjusting for baseline height. The growth finding is particularly encouraging, as height suppression is a concern with first-line ADHD medication.


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COVID-19 Vaccine Information View this document here.

Virus Prevention And Treatment Vaccines minimize COVID-19 related mortality and hospitalizations, but SARS-CoV-2 is here to stay. Moreover, it is not the only virus we fight. There are influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Continue your immune support year-round. For more information, refer to our Prevent and Fight Viruses 2.0 Protocol.

Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 The official diagnosis for post-COVID syndrome (PCS) are symptoms that last for 12 weeks or more. If you, a family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor is suffering from PCS, diligently following our Post-COVID Syndrome 2.0 Action Plan for purchase, or free to paid members here (must use the password), can bring measurable improvement.

Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie Minsky

In Today's Issue...

  • Well Connect Feature: Exercise Fights Back Against Diabetes*

  • Dietary Supplement Quality Control & More

  • May 20% OFF Sale Items

  • Chiro Corner NEW!

  • Pure Genomics

  • Well Connect Member Benefits

*Paid Member Access Only

Dietary Supplement Quality Control and More

Steve: If you've been a client with us for a while, you know how important dietary supplement efficacy and quality are to us. With so many pitfalls to navigate, it is near impossible for the layperson to find a dietary supplement that meets all of their needs. That is why I've done the work for you by painstakingly poring through lab assays, excipients, choosing the most tolerable sources, and testing formulas. For example, certain source ingredients like curcumin and coenzyme Q10 are rife with adulteration. Even when we recommend an efficacious, quality supplement and you try to buy it on Amazon, counterfeiting is common. This is why we suggest buying from an authorized retailer such as ourselves. The product goes right from the manufacturer to our office. Vitamin, mineral, and enzyme needs should to be addressed by an experienced health professional to meet your unique individual needs. Herbs and herbal supplements must especially be used with caution and due diligence. When recommending them to clients, there are myriad factors that need to be taken into account. Thus, I have developed guidelines for clients to safely use herbs and herbal supplements. Because we deal with many with allergic reactions and intolerances to foods and food-related substances, this is the first tenet for safety guidelines. Does the client have a history of environmental allergy to pollens and mold? For example, a client with ragweed allergy would not take anything with chamomile because it cross-reacts with ragweed. Does the client have a history of intolerance reactions to substances with salicylic acid? In this case, the client should not take anything with white willow bark or any similar herbal substance that contains high concentrations of salicylic acid. Once allergies and intolerances are ruled out, then we go to the next step. Does the client have conditions that herbs or herbal supplements would contraindicate or exacerbate? For example, clients with GERD who have chronic pain would not be a candidate for curcumin, because as therapeutic as curcumin can be, we have found in those with GERD, curcumin can exacerbate the condition. This would also apply to oregano extract, which is highly acidic and can exacerbate GERD. For this type of person, we would recommend ginger or bromelain. Once we understood your conditions and take them into account, we would go to our next guideline. The age and stage of life is very important when prescribing herbs and herbal supplements. For example, if the client is a prepubescent male teen with a skin condition, we would not recommend tea tree or lavender because both have shown to overestrogenize. In another example of an elderly female who is very low in estrogen, we would recommend a topical that contains higher does of wild yam than we would a female just entering menopause because older women do not metabolize estrogen as well. Lastly, for patients on one or medications, and even those taking nutraceuticals, we would screen for contraindications. For example, for a patient on warfarin complaining of memory or cognition deficits, we would not prescribe ginkgo biloba because of spontaneous bleeding potential. You wouldn't self-prescribe medications for yourself. You must treat dietary supplements the same way.


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