From eNewsletter 6/8/2020

DID YOU KNOW that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in grilled or smoked meat and fishery products are carcinogenic (cancer-causing)? According to a study in the July issue of issue of Food and Chemical Toxicity, there are ways to drastically limit your exposure to PAHs as we enter grilling season.
The results showed that PAHs reduction strategies can be applied either before (or during) grilling or smoking or after grilling or smoking (removal methods).
Before grilling or smoking, use of marinade, preheating of products, appropriate fuel (gas as opposed to charcoal or wood), filter, collection system of juice and fat (to avoid them dripping directly onto the flame) are the main strategies which can be applied.
Also, never cook the products to char (the black charcoal looking stuff).
After grilling or smoking, the methods consist of washing the surface of smoked or grilled products with hot water (140 degrees Fahrenheit).
Over last few months, we've had myriad requests to carry zinc lozenges. We have procured a shipment of our preferred product, Nature's Way Organic Sambucus Elderberry Zinc Lozenges, and are available for purchase.
Please indulge us if you already read this. There may be some who have not.
While many states are well into the re-opening process, other states like Illinois are starting to re-open now. We feel an obligation to make sure you are able to withstand any viral insult as optimally as possible. Here are our suggestions:
Continue with extra immune support until summer of 2021. We don't know how virulent SARS-CoV-2 will be this summer and if there will be a second COVID wave during fall and winter. Besides, SARS-CoV-2 is not the only virus we fight. There is influenza (flu), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. If you have not read Prevent and Fight Coronavirus 2.0, please do.
When in public, take protective steps that make you feel comfortable, while still abiding by your state mandate. Some of you will do the bare minimum. Others will take extreme measures. Whatever you need to do to feel comfortable when you are out in public is most important. As there is still so much unknown about SARS-CoV-2, there is no right or wrong way. Being mentally comfortable is most important.
If you are immunosuppressed, diabetic, hypertensive, obese, have multiple comorbities (high risk conditions), smoke, or are older, take extra precautions when venturing in public. The overwhelming percentage of COVID-related deaths have occurred in these groups. When in doubt, stay at home, aside from getting your outdoor time/exercise of course.
Viruses reinvent themselves, always trying to stay a step ahead. Human genes are painfully slow to change. To think that there will be a miracle in the near future does not align with human history. Hence, the best way we can fight as a collective society against these ever-changing foes is to focus inward. The healthier we are, the better our ability to minimize the damage caused by viral insults.
We hope that you leading by example will allow those close to you become more accountable for their own wellness.
Finally, thank you for continuing to do your part. The positive actions that thousands of you have taken since this pandemic began is truly stunning. You have helped move the wellness needle further into positive territory.
Do not get complacent and continue to be vigilant!
NUTRITIONAL CONCEPTS RE-OPENING PROCEDURE If you are local and would like to read our re-opening procedure starting today, please read our Re-Opening Procedure.
If you missed our new recommendations about how to prevent and fight the coronavirus, the information is available here.
Please refer to our Re-Opening Procedure.
Steve: About a year ago, I did a review on existing research for Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF), a caloric restrictive eating style that condenses the eating window to 6 or 10 hours. At the time, the research was promising, especially for males, but most studies were very small. What a difference a year makes.
Not only have some newer studies shown benefits in females, but the studies have larger sample sizes. TRF is not a panacea. It is also contraindicated in prediabetics and diabetics. That said, the new research is exciting.
One of the concerns public health experts posited is TRF leads to increases in appetite and worse eating behaviors. A study from the March issue of The Journal of Nutrition did not find dysfunctional appetite or eating behaviors in women with overweight and obesity who adhered to TRF for 12 weeks.
Another misnomer was rebuffed after researchers found that TRF does not negatively impact the beneficial effects of exercise. According to a study in the April issue of Exercise in Sports Science Review, if exercising for overall health, TRF improves markers of metabolic health accompanied by consistent exercise.
In fact, one month of calorie restriction decreased body weight and increased physical performance, enhanced energy efficiency, moderated the antioxidant and inflammatory basal gene expression, and influenced its response to acute exercise, according to a study from the April issue of Nutrients.
Elite athletes or those performing rigorous athletic endeavors should always speak with their health professionals before trying TRF.
New results from journal Cell shows how caloric restriction can protect against aging in cellular pathways. The researchers already knew that calorie restriction increased life span, but now they've shown all the changes that occur at a single-cell level to cause that.
A recent study in Cell Reports explained how caloric restriction with eating styles such as TRF and intermittent fasting works on the liver to help prevent disease.
TRF enhanced circadian gene expression was positively associated with gut microbiome richness. Thus, TRF can be beneficial for our intestinal microfloral environment, as elucidated in this month's issue of British Journal of Nutrition.
According to researchers in Nutrition Reviews, TRF might offer an effective feeding-fasting paradigm with significant clinical implications for the management and treatment of cardiometabolic diseases observed in individuals in high-stress occupations in the United States and in the US population in general.
A study from the May issue of European Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that caloric restriction in patients with severe obesity partially restored the obesity-related DNA methylation pattern, meaning that by re-establishing these DNA methylation patterns, weight-loss actions that may have been stalled are stimulated once again.
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